How to write here ?

How to Write here |

How to write blogs at The Career Tools Dot Com ?

Professionals/Recruiters/Candidates and anyone else are very welcome to write a blog here, If you intend to write anyone of the following or similar to that :

* You are inclined to write about the Career Development e.g. career advice , technical subject study advice, technical project advice, various how-tos which a student/professionals really required , technical references for students/professionals, best steps to build the career

* You are inclined to write about the Development of India e.g. frequent problems and suggested solutions related to arrange-marriages in India, how small honest activity can effect to the development of India,Why websites of Indian institutions doesn’t meet with International standard

*You are inclined to write anything else — Please suggest us 🙂

If you understand the concept and seriously interested to write here :

Step-1 :


Fill the below form :

Write your name , e-mail, About Yourself and Your Interests/Writing topics/A Sample?

*Properly introduce yourself and write the topics you are interested in to write, any sample would be highly appreciated.


Step-2 :


Submit it.


Step-3 :


With-in 24-48 hours you will hear back from the administrator e.g.  write-access details ,set of instructions, steps.

I  would like to write here

*I promise to keep this site clean and green(required)

*Please read terms and conditions