Why AIIMS website is with worst look, feel and functioning?


Last year I got the news that several AIIMS (ALL India Institute of Medical Sciences) are set up in India.

That made me to brows the information of those AIIMS e.g AIIMS Patna, AIIMS Raipur,AIIMS Rishikesh etc.

I observed that even Indian govt. spent so much money on these institutes but still these institutes doesn’t depict any standards.

Even these institutes hire/train highly educated people and it is full with high education class, but still it is far behind with the global standards.

And then I tried to approach various AIIMS officials(e.g. Dr.Deepak Gupta, NIC Head) to explain the concern (See the email below), even followed them continuously, and yes AIIMS patna guy responded and made some changes, but still it seems that it will take hundred of years for any radical and sensible change.

But yes, the question still remains : Why AIIMS website is with worst look, feel and functioning?

As of today these websites doesn’t overcome with clear and clean information, when will be the day when these website will provide most of the facilities/information for students/patients online ? 

Worst Look and functioning of AIIMS and several other websites.

Sumit Arora <sumit1234@gmail.com>
to:  dg@nic.in
cc:  dash@nic.in,
date:  Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:45 PM
subject:  Worst Look and functioning of AIIMS and several other websites.
mailed-by:  gmail.com

Dear  B.K. Gairola Sir,

It happened me to browse the AIIMS (NIC responsibility) website :

* It doesn’t depict and branding of AIIMS
* Clicked to AIIMS website – mail : page directs to : and It says : “Connection timed out”

Similar situations to other AIIMS website (Patna, rishikesh,bhopal even govt. spent 1000 Cr to these places but Its situation looks worst) – (Where is this India going ? for progress ?)

* AIIMS Patna- doesn’t provide any information e.g it says : “All reights reserved” – See spelling reights it should be rights .
* AIIMS Bhopal : on clicking to Administration It doesn’t show anything : http://www.aiimsbhopal.edu.in/Default.aspx#
*Administration doesn’t say anything – Just show some name

Website is very important, people around the world see India’s success by visiting websites of prominent things e.g. engineering colleges, medical colleges, Indian organization .

Please make this brand high, and let every body know that India is a great place.

Here are few references which makes you understand the website better :

[ these all websites works on every sense, this tells the status of country and people, Please don’t make AIIMS brand down, please come up]

[Standford United states]   — http://med.stanford.edu/

[South Korea – Yonsei University] –— http://medicine.yonsei.ac.kr/en/

[London Medical School ] — http://www.ucl.ac.uk/medicalschool/

[Newyork medical college] — http://www.nymc.edu/

Many companies in Noida, Gurgaon, Banglore can design the websites based on international standards, it doesn’t cost a lot, those companies can server better than traditional.

We are Indians, together we can build a great India.

Similar you may check the websites of several government engg. colleges e.g. http://www.hbti.ac.in/ , please see its contact us page and send the email to respective email id : no reply will come even e-mail will return.

If India progressed in IT so much, then how come such issues are coming ?

I am a individual Indian , who would like to see India shining on every sense, feel free let me know If I can provide any help on any case.

Satyamev Jayte,

/Sumit Arora

CC to other responsible people e.g. AIIMS Admin people/Doctors/AIIMS Bhopal/AIIMS Patna/AIIMS Rishikesh/ Kapil Sibal [Ministery of Communication and Technology]

Request to improve the functioning /performance/look and feel of AIIMS Bhopal Website

Sumit Arora <sumit1234@gmail.com>
to:  admin@aiimsbhopal.edu.in
cc:  bertha.anatomy@aiimsbhopal.edu.in,
date:  Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 1:16 PM
subject:  Request to improve the functioning /performance/look and feel of AIIMS Bhopal Website
mailed-by:  gmail.com
To Admin, AIIMS Bhopal,India CC to : Executives directly/indirectly related to the development of AIIMS India e.g. AIIMS Patna,AIIMS bhopal

It happened me to browse the AIIMS Bhopal website :

* Many of its link doesn’t work
* It doesn’t depict and branding of AIIMS
* It just states simple information e.g. About Bhopal , on clicking to Administration It doesn’t show anything : http://www.aiimsbhopal.edu.in/Default.aspx#

 * http://www.aiimsbhopal.edu.in/faculty.aspx ( It says title as untitled ?)
* Click on Administration : http://www.aiimsbhopal.edu.in/Default.aspx# – It deosn’t go anywhere
* Click on Academics e.g. UG,PG, It deson’t go anywhere
* Many -2 issues just in a website though India have millions of IT professionals.
Website is very important, people around the world see India’s success by visiting websites of prominent things e.g. engineering colleges, medical colleges, Indian organization .
Let me suggest you the best solution or an alternative to develop a dynamic website :[ You may evaluate other to options, but here is one exmaple I would like to tell you to develop a thought process]

Step-1 : Please explore wordpress www.wordpress.org , Its a open source and it has most of the features, Its example e.g.http://ibnlive.in.com/ [ Its all based on wordpress.org]

Salient features :

— You don’t need to devlop certain features except the design

— You can add several plugins which will give you in built functionality

— The best example is : http://ibnlive.in.com/ [ This IBNLive built on wordpress]

— It will reduce the efforts , and that will give you more time to develop the next features.

— If you want to know more about it – I can explain you step-by-step – just send me the response.

Please spend three weeks to understand the WordPress , www.wordpress.org will tell you everything from installation to explore ( Its just copy paste and very easy)

It require basic scripting knowledge e.g. PHP etc

Best Practice :

[1].Use ubuntu operating system – download from : http://www.ubuntu.com/

[2].Step-by step install wordpress – and understand its functions

[3]. Better to involve 2-3 exp guys who can understand the PHP/javascript and tweak it based on the requirements

[ I can surely help you to understand the way of doing things]

Step-2 :

 Explore the http://aws.amazon.com/ , it provide Data center options, its very easy, on clicks you can have a histing on demand, it enevr went downStep-3:

Explore any MTA , Means Mail Transfer Agent – It will help you to allocate emails to AIIMS staff (If a website supposed to develop for AIIMS), and perform various operations, intially you can install MTA in Amazon AWS , one example of MTA e.g. :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_JamesFirst spend time to learn these things e.g.

(If we take example for AIIMS ) : As you have already developed the basic site, next steps – spend time on learning and add extra features e.g. Emails, Students Posts, Interaction between students and professors, each professor should have his own page, patents on medical fields, publishing papaers, organizing events, step by step add everything.

Step -4 :

After getting such experience , define Job roles, responsiblities, make a team, and define weekly objective, motivate everyone – that this work will shine india, it will giev a identity to an invidual, people’s appreciation is a big reward.

Step -5 :

Make a incremental plan, and follow the concept – change, change, change – every three months – deliever a new release – new features, new concepts, that will help inviduals to see your dynamicity , and make this AIIMS patna website much better than Stanford medical site.

Feel free let me know If I can help on anything, I will surely provide my experience , my thoughts on this regard.

Trust me – these small simple change – will change india.

Satyamev Jayte,


Request to improve AIIMS Patna website, Its making AIIMS brand down.

from:  Sumit Arora <sumit1234@gmail.com>
to:  director@aiimspatna.org
cc:  sramji57@gmail.com,
date:  Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:06 PM
subject:  Request to improve AIIMS Patna website, Its making AIIMS brand down.
mailed-by:  gmail.com

Dear Sir,

It happened me to browse the AIIMS Patna website :

* It doesn’t depict and branding of AIIMS
* It doesn’t provide any information e.g. Below it says : “All reights reserved” – See spelling reights it should be rights .
*Administration doesn’t say anything – Just show some name

Website is very important, people around the world see India’s success by visiting websites of prominent things e.g. engineering colleges, medical colleges, Indian organization .

Please make this brand high, and let every body know that India is a great place.

Here are few references which makes you understand the website better :

[Standford United states]   — http://med.stanford.edu/

[South Korea – Yonsei University] –— http://medicine.yonsei.ac.kr/en/

[London Medical School ] — http://www.ucl.ac.uk/medicalschool/

[Newyork medical college] — http://www.nymc.edu/

Many companies in Noida, Gurgaon, Banglore can design the websites based on international standards, it doesn’t cost a lot.

I am a individual Indian , who would like to see India shining on every sense, feel free let me know If I can provide any help on any case.

Satyamev Jayte,

/Sumit Arora

Request to improve AIIMS Raipur website, Its making AIIMS brand down.

Sumit Arora <sumit1234@gmail.com>
to:  director@aiimsraipur.edu.in
cc:  Admin@aiimsraipur.edu.in,
date:  Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 12:54 PM
subject:  Request to improve the AIIMS RAIPUR website
mailed-by:  gmail.com
Prof Nitin Madhusudan Nagarkar
The Director
ALL India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur
Address:  Director’s Bungalow
AIIMS Residential Complex,
Kabir Nagar, Raipur
pin: 492099
Chhattisgarh, India
Dear Prof Nitin,

Website is very important, people around the world see India’s success by visiting websites of prominent things e.g. engineering colleges, medical colleges, Indian organization .

Please make this brand high, and let every body know that India is a great place.

Here are few references which makes you understand the website better :

[Standford United states]   — http://med.stanford.edu/

[South Korea – Yonsei University] –— http://medicine.yonsei.ac.kr/en/

[London Medical School ] — http://www.ucl.ac.uk/medicalschool/

[Newyork medical college] — http://www.nymc.edu/

Many companies in Noida, Gurgaon, Banglore can design the websites based on international standards, it doesn’t cost a lot.(Possibly in less than 50K ~ $1000 / every year maintenance charges will be around $200)

Definitely AIIMS Raipur would have received a lot of funds, Please see this things seriously.I am a individual Indian , who would like to see India shining on every sense, feel free let me know If I can provide any help on any case.

Please feel free let me know If I can help you on any other suggestion or anything else.Satyamev Jayte,

/Sumit Arora

If you happen to be AIIMS official/professor/student and then If you understood the above context and that motivates you to contribute to the development of AIIMS/India, then please do 🙂

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