Explore Software Defined Networking as a researcher



Do you want to make sure that what exactly you would like to achieve from the Software Defined Networking?

If you are happen to be a researcher, then here is some of the thoughts worth to explore:

– You may research what can be achieved by replacing the traditional network with openflow based network and opendaylight SDN controller or some other controller.

– You may research the bottlenecks/assistance of openflow based network with opendaylight sdn controller e.g. rule conflicts while installing the rules in dynamic situation (see this: http://frenetic-lang.org/pyretic/ and listen to Jennifer Rexford: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~jrex/ ) .

– You may design set of use cases and prove that on these situation openflow based network with opendaylight SDN controller or some other controller perform better than the traditional network. http://networkstatic.net/sdn-use-cases-for-service-providers/ http://thecareertools.com/2013/10/24/use-cases-of-software-defined-network/]

– You may introduce any additional methodology e.g. System and methods for xyz….with SDN e.g Optimizing the ‘One Big Switch’ abstraction in Software Defined Networks. HotSwap: Correct and efficient controller upgrades for Software-Defined Networks.

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