3 Secrets of Highly Successful Graduates By Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn’s Billionaire founder)


College/University/Institutes teach us a prescribed course for a specific/general stream of education e.g. Computer Science, Electronics or Mathematics.
In some ways that college education made us like – how to survive in this world ?

To earn the living, It’s something like  to provide the services by offering the skills we have. It starts from the beginner level and move to advanced level.

Let’s talk about the most common plan professionals makes from the beginners to advance level:

Plan-A: Start from the beginner level employment and reach to the advance level employment
e.g. Software Engineer to Vice President Position/CEO/Director position in 25 to 30 years.

Millions of people follow the routine process e.g. get a college degree, find a job, and work until you work.
It’s a common concept to have a stable life, working on a 9 to 6 job with minimal risk. However it’s perfect, and people should do it.

Plan-B: Start from the beginner level creative idea and reach to the advanced level execution
e.g. From a small training institute to the highly technical university.

Everybody knows about the Plan-A, but very few might try or consider about the Plan-B,
Let’s talk more about plan –B, and I feel that India have abundant opportunities for the creative/innovative/professional/organized thinker.

Where the opportunities exist?


Sample Thought-1: Let’s take a case about the government institute websites in India
e.g. see following websites
http://www.hbti.ac.in/ (This college comes under top 50 engineering colleges in India)
http://www.aiims.edu/ (The Top medical institutes in India)
http://www.nituk.com/index.html (NIT College)

so sooner or later these all sites require innovation, as current situation of these websites are totally pathetic e.g. It’s with worst look and feel, no professionalism, many times its down and it doesn’t provide any information in a organize manner.

Now see following websites:
Here are few references which makes you understand the website better :
*[Standford United states] : http://www.stanford.edu

* [Shanghai Jia tong University] : http://www.sie.sjtu.edu.cn/ctrler.asp?action=index_en

*[South Korea – Yonsei University] : http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/eng/

*[London Medical School* ] : http://www.ucl.ac.uk/medicalschool/

*[Newyork medical college]: http://www.nymc.edu/

(May be the above highly professional websites would have been developed by most of the Indian IT companies).

So that means still many opportunity exist, if you can provide CMS based/secure/stable/scalable website then you can find the customers. So someone can have an idea to fix this or any other issue by contributing his skills step by step. From beginner to advanced level, from small project to big project.

Sample Thought-2: In USA/France/South Korea/Germany etc everything works on time, hospitals provides good health services, kinder garden provides best education to the kids, every where you may see the professionalism/creativity/innovation/customer-service even from a kinder garden to the coffee shop, from a gym to complete sports center. However such practices are now evolving in India (not 100% but ~90% or ~80% or ~30), and that create abundant opportunity for anyone who really want to use the creative mindset, intelligence to solve the problem, not a very highly technical problem, but just an unorganized/non-innovative/traditional system to professional/organized/creative/innovative way , so opportunities is there.


So opportunities exist on *various sectors e.g.

*Automobile / autocomponents
*Electronics hardware
*Textiles and garments
*Leather and leather goods
*Chemicals and pharmaceuticals
*Gems and jewellery
*Building and construction
*Food processing
*Handlooms and handicrafts
*Building hardware and home furnishings
*IT or software
*Tourism, hospitality and travel
*Transportation/ logistics/ warehousing and packaging
*Organized retail
*Real estate
*Media, entertainment, broadcasting, content creation, animation
*Banking/ insurance and finance
*Education/ skill development
*Unorganized sector

Listing of sectors took from: http://www.nsdcindia.org/about-us/organization-profile.aspx

To get the more clear idea about the plan-B, We can Listen more from Reid Hoffman ((LinkedIn’s Billionaire founder)



How I think about the plan-B  :

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